Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Stick A Fork In It, I'm Done!

Last night I took the plunge and started using my beloved clefthoof leather to raise my skill to 375 and I've done it! There was much rejoicing when I saw that my skill had at long last made it to 375. I jumped around like a giddy schoolgirl that just scored a prom date with the star quarterback. OK maybe that's a bit much but I was exceedingly well pleased nonetheless. It turns out Peashooter was correct with his crafting assessment. This is what I did to get the remaining 9 points. I made 2 pairs of the Heavy Clefthoof Boots which were in yellow and I got 2 points. Then I made one Heavy Clefthoof Vest which was in orange and of course I got 1 more point taking me to 369. I then went back and made another pair of boots and I got another point taking me to 370. I tried to make another pair of boots but I didn't receive a point so I made 2 pairs of Heavy Clefthoof Leggings and I got 2 more points taking me to 372. I had enough mats to make 3 more pairs of boots so I rolled the dice and made 3 more. I was hoping to get 1 or 2 more points but I got 3 points taking me to 375. I started the day with 276 pieces of leather but I only used 257 pieces which was very surprising to me as I thought it would take more than 300 pieces to get the job done. So in the end I got 8 points crafting yellow items and 1 point from crafting the orange item. After I finished I flew out and had a visit with Peter Galen in Azshara and trained everything that was available including the Ebon Netherscale armor. I definitely see more farming in my future as I prepare to craft the phat purps for the first time.


Saerath said...

gratz on the 375!!

Syralis said...


Thanks man, I've spent a ton of money but I finally got 'er dun.

Pict said...

I don't know how it feels to reach the end of the road yet, but I will in 15 levels :) lvl 70s gettin closer by the... errr... week.