Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Primal Scream!

I started looking at the mats I'll need to craft the Ebon Netherscale set and I discovered that I'll need 3 Primal Nethers not to mention the fact that I need like a zillion Primal Fires and Primal Shadows. Needless to say I was a bit agitated by this discovery. C'mon Blizz give a hard working man a break already. I mean isn't already hard enough to get nice armor? It certainly has been for me because I'm not in a raiding guild and I have to run solo most of the time unless I get into a PuG, as a result I still don't have one piece of epic armor. That said it appears that I'll be going into instances to get the Primal Nethers or the Badges of Justice. PuG's look out, here I come, again! I guess I could go into the BG's until the end of time and maybe get one piece of armor before the Earth implodes. I also could move to a raiding guild which is starting to look more attractive all the time. If I don't move then I must continue to fight the good fight and see where it leads. Hopefully the long and winding road will lead me to bling of "epic" proportions.


Saerath said...

still got a spot saved for you on Turalyon =P good luck with the heroics and Primal Nether grinding though

Syralis said...


Thanks man. I'm really starting to heavily consider moving because I know I'll never get Galamar to where I want him unless I move somewhere. I wish you guys were on Staghelm. :-)