Monday, November 5, 2007

Sonic Boom!

Yesterday evening I got an invite from a friend to run Shadow Labs and since I had only been in there once before I jumped at the chance to join. I was hoping against all hope that the group would hold together long enough to get to Murmur but I wasn't really expecting to get that far. We lost one party member and another one voluntarily dropped later on to make room for another warrior so we could secure more DPS which payed big dividends later on. Anyway we cleared the first boss Ambassador Hellmaw on the second try before we had the second warrior in our group. I kicked him a few times and pulled a few usable arrows from his lifeless body before I headed out. Next we moved on to the second boss Blackheart the Inciter and we had him down on the second attempt as well. With this boss I was fortunate enough to get the [Cloak of the Inciter] which was a decent upgrade for me. From there we pressed on to the third boss Grandmaster Vorpil he gave us a bit of trouble but once again we had him down on the second attempt. Finally we moved on to the final boss, the rather ill-tempered Murmur. He gave us fits to say the least but again on the second attempt he went down in a heap and there was massive quantities of rejoicing. My anticipation grew to a fevered pitch as we moved in to loot the body. Was he going to drop the illusive spear? Then I saw it, "The Precious" [Sonic Spear] appeared and I went down in a heap clutching my chest and gasping for breath. After CPR was administered successfully I was able to crawl back into my chair and I asked if I could "need" the spear. The other party members were very gracious in letting me need it, I am in their debt big time. I couldn't believe that I got it on my first try. The odds were definitely not in my favor. Big props go out to Passthewine for the invite and for his healing services as well. It pays to be in the right place at the right time. Last night was the single biggest payout for me since I've started playing the game and it's a night that I won't soon forget. Oh yeah I almost forgot, I completed the "Into the Heart of the Labyrinth" quest and got the [Auchenai Boots] which is better suited for a Shaman but it was still a minor upgrade for me.


Pict said...

Congrats, I too just got an awsome pole-arm, the one from ZF, needless to say I'm gonna get trained in ple-arms imidiatly

Unknown said...

wahooo cng...
i want mine too...

Saerath said...

I can't believe you got the Sonic Spear before me lol! Gratz on the multiple upgrades, and I noticed you didn't mention any troubles chain trapping =D

Unknown said...

Woo hoo! Grats! You now have the signature lvl 70 hunter spear! :)

Syralis said...

Thanks for all the comments. It was indeed a great night. Sorry Aerislan :-)