Monday, November 26, 2007

Got Clefthoof?!

Before you say anything I know I've made several posts regarding my disdain for leatherworking and in truth it's been difficult for me, mostly because I didn't have a plan to follow. My bad for not doing the research. That said I have some positive news for a change. I was able to train some new recipes and buy a few more from a Quartermaster and I've managed to get my leatherworking skill up to 365. Woohoo! In the process I crafted some [Heavy Knothide Armor Kits] and applied them to several pieces of armor. As a result my stamina is now 40 points higher and my health has at long last broken the 8000 barrier. I also equipped the [Felstalker Breastplate] that I've had banked for a couple of months and now I'm wearing the complete Felstalker set. It's taken a kings ransom to get to this point but in the final analysis it's been worth it. These last 10 points are going to be time consuming as I'm going to need massive amounts of Clefthoof leather, probably in excess of 300 pieces. I plan to farm the Clefthoof leather every day until I have enough to raise the skill one point. If I can do this I'll be at 375 in 10 days barring any unforeseen circumstances. That said problems do arise so I'm going to give myself 15-20 days to get the job done. Then I'll need to locate some recipes for the Ebon Netherscale armor. Does anyone know where I can get these recipes? Looks like I'll be giving leatherworking some major love from now on.


It looks like I go to the trainer in Azshara to get the Ebon Netherscale recipes.


Pict said...

He's back, and still angry at Blizz about leather!

Syralis said...

LOL. Yeah leather hasn't been my friend but at least now I'm friendly with it! Maybe one day I'll even be exalted. Take care pea and thanks for stopping by.
