Thursday, October 11, 2007

That Boy Ain't Right!

I've been loitering around Nagrand lately farming clefthoof leather and motes around my favorite hunting area. I was a bit giddy last night because the drop rate was exceptionally good, I got 5 pieces of clefthoof leather in my first 6 kills. I already had 10 pieces from the previous night and before long I had a nice stack of 20 to sell. I needed a few more motes to make a primal so I hung around and killed the Elementals (what a grind that was) and more Clefthoof Bulls. The drop rate slowed a bit but I was able to get 12 more pieces before I left. All in all I considered the hunt to be a success and I headed for Stormwind. Once there I opened my packs and began looking through them for the 20 pieces. "What?" "No, this can't be?" "Where the Hell is my leather?" I sat on the floor of the AH and began to sling the contents of my packs all over the room, I looked like a little spoiled 3 year old throwing a temper tantrum. My anxiety grew as I dumped the last pack on the ground and discovered that the leather was AWOL. I thought about it for a second and realized that this was my doing. I had accidentally threw it away to clear pack space. I meant to throw away the leather scraps but instead I threw away the clefthoof leather and with it I lost about 65 gold and a big clump of my hair. I definitely ain't right!

Moral of the story:Never, ever leave home without your American Express card and adequate pack space.


Saerath said...

if it makes you feel better I accidentally DE'd one of my weapons back when I had enchanting =P

Syralis said...

ack, now that ain't right! :-) and yah it does make me feel a bit better.

Unknown said...

Just the other day my bank toon accidentally sold 3 Oathkeepers (valued at 70g a piece!) for 2g50s each! Sometimes Igor's Mass Auction can backfire on you horribly!

Syralis said...

Oh man that sucks big time. I'm sorry to hear that.

Pict said...

Heh, I threw out the gear for my twink by accident, well, 3 pieces of it *_*


Syralis said...


That's not good at all. I don't feel as bad now.