Monday, October 15, 2007

Fishing For Fun And Profit!

Sunday I decided to go out to Booty Bay and enter the weekly fishing contest for the first time. Once I got there I promptly purchased the expert fisherman's book and gained expert fisherman's status. With my new title safely secured I purchased a few shiny baubles and headed around the coast hoping to catch the elusive rares. When I arrived I knew it was going to be a long day, there were people running back and forth down the beach like a pack of rabid Murlocks. Holes were fished out before I could cast my line in one time. I thought long and hard about aggro'ing the pirates down to the beach to slaughter the unsuspecting low level characters but in the end I let them do it themselves. I rejoiced when I saw them swimming for their pathetic little lives and getting their melons cut off by the pirates. What? C'mon, at least that gave me a few minutes to fish in peace. Since there were so many people fishing around me sometimes just for fun I ran inland and bashed the Bloodsail Buccaneers in the head with my fishing pole. Then just to add insult to injury, umm I mean death, I let my trusty pet Redmaine have some fun too. It wasn't pretty but he really loves those afternoon treats so I couldn't deny him, plus in the process I got some rep with Booty Bay. Once a winner was declared I hung around for another hour to raise my fishing skill and to see if I could land a rare. I didn't snag a rare but I caught quite a few fish that I sold for just over 2 gold, I'm rich! And Redmaine came back licking his chops and sporting an extra 30 pounds. He really loves the taste of humans. I'm glad I'm a Night Elf.


Pict said...

Great blog!
I just linked you on mine


Syralis said...

Hey P,

Thanks man. I'll add you to mine as well. Take care.
