Tuesday, September 25, 2007

I Can't Get No Reputation!

And I tried. And I tried. And I tried. And I tried, but No..No..No! If you look at Galamar's reputation you'll see that I really can't get no reputation. His reputation looks like what a level 15 would have. I recently compared Galamar's reputation to my level 50 Draenei Shaman and there's absolutely no comparsion. I don't know what Blizzard did to change how reputation is calculated with the release of Burning Crusade but reputation should have been calculated in this fashion from the very beginning. Galamar will forever be reputationally challenged, he will be an outcast even in his hometown. How can this be? What can be done? Just recently he went riding through Stormwind and was met by an angry crowd of locals that began throwing fruits and vegetables at him, even the kids got into the act. It was a very humiliating experience. Can anyone help Galamar overcome this shame? Or must he spend the remainder of his days in the remote region of the Barrens?

/Hangs his head in shame

Galamar's Rep

Kaedin's Rep


Saerath said...

if you compare my hunter's rep to that of my draenei shaman you will see a very similar pattern...although I did manage to get honored with the 3 primary Alliance factions pre-TBC. One significant change to reputation is the fact that post-TBC you get full rep bonus for completing grey quests that give rep rewards (pre-TBC completing a grey quest that gave rep was scaled down based on your level...the higher the level you were the less rep you earned for completing the quests)...a fact that I've used to get my shammy's IF rep up so that I can get a ram mount instead of being forced to ride around on an elekk and look like I am fleeing from some ill-planned circus attraction. So if you want to boost your rep with the Alliance factions go to the starting zone for each race and do all the quests there...by the time I got to karahnos on my shammy I had already reached honored =D

Syralis said...


Thanks for the info, it's much appreciated. I really didn't do much around Ironforge so I think I'll go out there and gain a few rep points to start with. Thanks for stopping by!

HunterPewPew said...

Well, I really don’t want to come across as a hater, but looking at your stats and gear, you need to at the very least find some PUGs if you’re guildless and run some instances for gear. At the very least…Arena for some season 2 stuff. Looking at your build and reading about how you can’t CC without a party wipe, I would find a guild to assist or transfer servers and explain that you bought the toon and are “in training”. Maybe they’ll be patient with you. As far as rep? Run instances that drop gear appropriate for the hunter class. DL Atlas Loot mod and see who drops your D3 set. The rep will come naturally if you run those instances. I’m just amazed you got the toon to 70 and and pull off consistent full-party wipes. A good hunter can effectively CC 2 high level mobs at a minimum even if only MM or BM specced. Read and practice is all I can suggest.

At level 70, I am carrying a mix of arena season 2 and Kara gear. My attack power is 1823 unbuffed, RC of 25+%, 9K HP, and so on. I ditched my sonic spear in lieu of Gorehowl and added a +35. I’m specced MM and gain a 100% AP applied from my hunters mark AP to melee AP. Since we hunters are forced at times to melee, it helps that crits with the big one-hander translate to the 1500-1700 damage range.

Keep your head up…and remand yourself to toggling between instance runs, raids and arena. I’m sure when you gear up and get a solid handle on your toon…you’ll see just how devastating a skilled and geared hunter can be.